Terms of Use

1. General

1.1. Welcome to ciberriqueza.org (the "Website").

For assistance, reach out to us at [email protected].

1.2. The Website provides details about third-party platforms (referred to as "Third-Party Platforms") for trading (collectively termed as the "Services").

1.3. These terms of use (the "Terms") govern your ("You", "Your" or "User") interaction with the Website or the Services. Please review these Terms carefully in their entirety before using the Services. These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between You and the Website's operator. If You disagree with any part of these Terms, please discontinue using the Website immediately. By accessing the Website, You consent to these Terms, which may be updated periodically.

These Terms also include our Privacy Policy. By agreeing to these Terms, You acknowledge and agree to our Privacy Policy as well (You can review Our Privacy Policy by clicking here).

2. Eligibility

2.1. You may use the Website only if You meet all of the following criteria:

2.1.1. You are at least 18 years of age;

2.1.2. You possess the legal right, authority, and capacity to enter into these Terms and comply with all their provisions;

2.1.3. You are not restricted by any laws in your country of residence or location from using the Website and/or the Services.

2.2. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the legality of the Website and/or the Services and/or any individual's use of the Website and/or the Services. We shall not be held responsible for any unlawful use of the Website and/or the Services by the User.

3. Restricted territories

3.1. Without limiting the generality of the above, we may, at our sole discretion, restrict access to the Website and/or Services (or any part thereof) to: (i) any Users in specific regions (the “Restricted Territories”), and (ii) any individuals we reasonably believe may pose legal, regulatory, reputational, or economic risks.

3.2. We may impose additional requirements or conditions before accepting Users from certain countries at our sole discretion. Additionally, if any Users travel to the Restricted Territories, it is acknowledged that the Website and/or Services may be inaccessible and/or blocked in those areas.

4. Prohibited activities

4.1. You agree to use the Website and the Services in a respectful manner, and you agree not to:

4.1.1. Link to the Website and/or use the Website for the purpose of uploading, downloading, distributing, publishing, or transmitting (a) information or other material in a manner that violates any rights, including intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or any other rights; (b) information or other material that is prohibited for publication or use because it constitutes a threat, harm, insult, slander, defamation, racism, or inappropriate content; (c) information or other material that includes a virus or other software that may damage our computer systems or any third parties, or in a manner that may restrict or prevent others from using the Website; (d) information or other material that violates any law; or (e) information or other material that includes an advertisement of any kind without our prior written permission;

4.1.2. Delete or modify any attributions, legal notices, or other proprietary designations or labels on the Website;

4.1.3. Utilize the Services through any interface other than the official Website;

4.1.4. Disrupt other Users' experience of the Website and/or the Services;

4.1.5. Employ bots or other automated methods to access or use the Website and/or the Services;

4.1.6. Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or transmit), without our explicit consent, any material that functions as a passive or active information collection or transmission mechanism, including, but not limited to, web bugs, cookies, or other similar spyware devices;

4.1.7. Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise imitating the appearance or functionality of the Services;

4.1.8. Violate any applicable laws or regulations, encourage or promote any illegal activity, including, but not limited to, copyright infringement, trademark infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, identity theft, hacking, cracking, or distribution of counterfeit software;

4.1.9. Alter and/or interfere in any way with the source code of the Website and upload any software and/or application that may harm or cause damage to the Website or any third party;

4.1.10. Disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer any software or other technology included in the Website or used to provide the Services.

4.2. You acknowledge that without prejudice to any other rights we may have, if we are concerned that your use of the Website does not comply with the provisions of these Terms or any applicable law, we may monitor your use of the Website or the Services, prevent you from accessing the Website, share your behavior patterns on the Website with third parties, and take any other action we deem appropriate to protect our property and/or rights and/or the rights of third parties.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

5.1. The Website and all its contents, including videos, text, images, logos, designs, music, sounds, figures, trademarks, and any other materials, are safeguarded by intellectual property rights owned by us or third parties.

5.2. We retain all rights, titles, and interests in the Website and Services. Utilizing the Website or Services does not endow Users with any intellectual property rights in them, except for the right to use them in accordance with these Terms.

5.3. Users are allowed to use the Website and Services solely for personal, non-commercial purposes.

5.4. Users are strictly forbidden from modifying, decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, copying, transferring, creating derivative works from, renting, sublicensing, distributing, reproducing, republishing, scraping, downloading, displaying, transmitting, posting, leasing, selling, or exploiting any Website content without our explicit written consent. This includes any usage not in line with the Terms or unauthorized exploitation of Website content.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1. Your use of the Website and/or the Services is at Your own risk. To the fullest extent allowed by law, We disclaim all warranties, explicit or implied, in relation to the Website and the Services and Your use thereof including implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, usefulness, authority, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness. Accordingly, the Services, including all content and functions made available on or accessed through or sent from the Website, are provided on an “as is,” “as available,” and “with all faults" basis.

6.2. Without limiting the generality of the above, We accept no liability or responsibility for any (a) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of any content included on the Website; (b) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Website or via the Services; (c) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Website or the Services by any third party.

6.3. You agree to hold Us harmless for any losses caused, directly or indirectly, to You and/or any third party, in connection with the Website and/or the Services and You shall bear sole responsibility for any of Your decisions made based on the content of the Website and/or the Services.

6.4. Under no circumstances shall we be liable to you or any third party for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost profits or data, arising from your use of the Website and/or Services, or any materials accessed through or downloaded from the Website or Services. This applies whether the damages are based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, regardless of whether we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event of judicial authority finding us liable, our liability shall not exceed 100 USD. This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.

6.5. We are not responsible for any issues or technical malfunctions of telephone or network lines, online systems, servers, providers, hardware, or software, nor for failures due to technical problems or internet traffic congestion (or inaccessibility) or incompatibility between the Website or Services and your browser and/or other equipment. Without limiting the generality of the above, we do not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the internet.

7. Third-Party Services or Content

7.1. While using the Services, you may encounter content or services provided by third parties, including advertisements and reviews related to Third-Party Platforms.

7.2. We do not control, endorse, or adopt such content or services, and they may not always be accurate or up-to-date.

7.3. Therefore, we recommend that you independently verify all information before relying on it. Any decisions or actions taken based on such information are your sole responsibility.

8. Links

8.1. The Website may contain links, content, advertisements, promotions, logos, and other materials from other websites or software controlled or offered by third parties (the “Links”). We advise you to understand the risks involved in using such websites, software, or materials before retrieving, using, relying upon, or purchasing anything via these websites or software, or based on such materials. These Links are provided solely for your convenience, and you agree that under no circumstances will you hold us liable for any loss or damagecaused by the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services available on other websites or software.

8.2. The inclusion of links on the Website does not signify endorsement, authorization, sponsorship, affiliation, or any other connection between Us and these websites, software, or their operators.

8.3. We have not reviewed all such links and are not responsible for the content on the websites or software referred thereby. We advise You to understand the risks involved in using such websites or software before retrieving, using, relying upon, or purchasing anything via these websites or software. Under no circumstances will You hold Us liable for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on any content, goods, or services available on other websites.

8.4. It is Your responsibility to review the terms and policies of such third-party websites, and we strongly recommend that you carefully review those prior to engaging with such third parties.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1. We may, at Our sole discretion, amend, modify, or discontinue any of the Services and/or introduce new Services from time to time. We shall not be liable for any loss suffered by You resulting from such changes, and You shall have no claims against Us in this regard.

9.2. We may modify these Terms from time to time. When We do, We will notify You by publishing the most current version and revising the date at the top of this page. Any modifications shall be effective immediately upon such publication. By continuing to use the Website after any changes come into effect, You are deemed to agree to the revised Terms.

9.3. The User agrees that transmission of information to or from the Website does not create any relationship beyond those specified in these Terms.

9.4. These Terms and the Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time, constitute the only valid agreements between Us and the User, and no representation, promise, consent, or undertaking, whether written or oral, that is not included in the Terms of theLa Política de Privacidad será vinculante para las partes.

9.5. Ningún fallo o demora por nuestra parte en el ejercicio de cualquier derecho, poder o recurso aquí contenido operará como una renuncia al mismo, ni ningún ejercicio único o parcial de tal derecho, poder o recurso impedirá cualquier otro o posterior ejercicio del mismo o el ejercicio de cualquier otro derecho, poder o recurso.

9.6. Si alguna disposición de estos Términos es declarada inaplicable por un tribunal de jurisdicción competente bajo la ley aplicable, dicha disposición será excluida de estos Términos y el resto de estos Términos se interpretará como si tal disposición hubiera sido excluida y será aplicable de acuerdo con sus términos; sin embargo, en tal caso, estos Términos se interpretarán de manera que se dé efecto, en la mayor medida coherente con y permitida por la ley aplicable, al significado y la intención de la disposición excluida según lo determine dicho tribunal de jurisdicción competente.

9.7. Podemos transferir o ceder cualquiera y todos nuestros derechos y obligaciones bajo estos términos a cualquier tercero; sin perjuicio de lo anterior, el Sitio Web y/o cualquiera de los Servicios pueden ser operados por terceros. No puedes transferir, ceder o pignorar de ninguna manera cualquiera de tus derechos u obligaciones bajo estos Términos.